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Our Solutions

Credit Risk Insights

Control Your Risk Exposure

Our tailored credit risk solutions use micro-segmentation labels and telecom payment information to model clients' creditworthiness. 

  • Identify your customers' risk profiles for your enterprise’s financial products, such as personal loans, credit cards, and insurance packages. 

  • ​Support your decision process with explanatory variables such as telco monthly spending, delays, defaults, or address verification. 

  • Analyze alternative data associated with customer risk, such as lifestyle behaviors.

Business Challenges  

​The digital transformation of our economy is uprooting the world of banking and finance. 

Digital-first consumers want to access their money and services through their devices rather than dealing with in-store clerks and traditional analog processes. For a financial lender, lending is all about trust; therefore, the problem is finding the right signals and inputs about customers to determine whether to offer (or deny) that trust in a digital world.  

At the same time, a lack of data to make risk assessments limits lenders' ability to meet consumer needs through digital channels. Approximately 18% of Thailand’s population is unbanked, meaning accessing formal loans is almost impossible for these customers, and lenders have no data available to make risk assessments.

Our Solutions and Key Benefits

We provide AI-powered credit risk solutions that enable lenders to evaluate an individual’s creditworthiness and support the loan applicant to access formal liquidity using alternative telecom data. Our solutions help you:


  • Identify customers' risk profiles and credit scores for your financial products, such as personal loans, credit cards, and insurance packages. 

  • Achieve faster time to insights - Backed by industry-leading machine learning models which predict a customer's probability of repayment default. 


  • Have confidence in your decisions and minimize risk - Evaluate behavior across hundreds of variables such as telco monthly spending and bill payment, call and SMS behavior, online browsing, and App usage habits. 

  • Increase the reach of your market by targeting potential customers who are not covered by the National Credit Bureau.


Example of correlation between our scores and credit card defaults.

credit card
cash micro landing


Control Your Risk Exposure

data enrichment

Data Enrichment

Build More Complete Customer Profiles

customer intelligence

Customer Intelligence

Better Understand Your Customers and Competitor

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