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”Make Analytics a Start-up Again.

25 July 2022

True Analytics Town Hall ”Make Analytics a Start-up Again.”

True Analytics team, led by the executives and staff, hosted the first face-2-face town hall meeting since the Covid-19 pandemic. This town hall comes back with the theme of ”Make Analytics a Start-up Again.” Let the executives and staff join in bonding, sharing knowledge, and updating information.

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podcast True Analytics, AI, and carbon neutrality.

30 August 2022

Listen to our latest podcast with the story of True Analytics, AI, and carbon neutrality.

This story was initially written by Khun Pedro Uria Recio, Chief Analytics & AI Officer, True Digital Group on Forbes, with the topic “How Analytics And AI Can Help Achieve Carbon Neutrality.” Tech by True Digital Team translated the article to Thai and presented it as a podcast, where you can listen as follow.

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True ananlytics.

1 September 2022

Participated in a Panel Discussion on “DAAT Day 2022: Era of Effectiveness.”

We have participated in “DAAT Day 2022: Era of Effectiveness,” the biggest digital advertising in Thailand, to share the perspective of data-driven technology that helps businesses to become more effective on a panel discussion under the topic “Because The Future of Marketing Matters.”

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True Analytics

12 September 2022

True Analytics Data Science Hackathon 2022 - To Analytics and Beyond.

We kicked off our 2022 data science hackathon "To Analytics and Beyond," where we want to explore new use cases enabled with our data: use cases that we had never tried before. We had much fun, were inspired, and experienced creating new use cases while challenging to solve tech problems using innovative solutions and excellent teamwork. Congratulations to the winning team.

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True Analytics.

21 September 2022

True Analytics x Databricks Data Days Launch.

True Analytics and Databricks launched the Data Days series to empower the team to refocus efforts on areas that will rapidly deliver value and drive business growth into the future. We are full steam ahead in migrating our existing on-prem Hadoop analytics platform to the cloud and Databricks. Our platform users are starting this journey by learning the next generation of tools they will soon work with.

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Data Analytics

22 September 2022

Executive Podcast with Tech by True “The Emerging Role of the Chief Data Analytics Officer.”

Tech By True Digital Podcast shared a series of podcasts that will take you to know the roles, duties, and responsibilities of the executives from True Digital Group. Starting with the position of Chief Data Analytics Officer by Khun Pedro URIA-RECIO, Chief Analytics & AI Officer, True Digital Group, tell us about being CDAO and how data become essential to help the business unleashes the new possibilities in True Analytics with the topic “The Emerging Role of the Chief Data Analytics Officer.”

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True Analytics

29 September 2022

Second Face-2-Face True Analytics Townhall Meeting at True Digital Park. 

Yesterday in True Analytics, we hosted our second face-2-face town hall meeting, gathering team members to meet again. This meeting was about sharing valuable knowledge and successful cases and updating information from each team member. Thank you to everyone for making all the success happen, and it was very energizing to see you all concurrently.

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“Building A Data Monetization Venture”

11 October 2022

First True Analytics Podcast of DATA-SAARD “Building A Data Monetization Venture.”

The first podcast of DATA-SAARD (ดาต้าศาสตร์/Data Science) from True Analytics is now ready to listen to. On this first episode, we are honored by Khun Pedro URIA-RECIO, Chief Analytics & AI Officer, True Digital Group, who shared with us about all business opportunities from Data on the topic of “Building A Data Monetization Venture,” which can be listened to from True Digital Group’s podcast channels as follows.

Telco data.

12 October 2022

Sharing about “How Companies Are Building Data Partnerships With Telcos” in the Big Data & AI World Singapore.

True Analytics has joined as the special speaker at the BIG DATA & AI WORLD conference in Singapore to present How Companies Are Building Data Partnerships With Telcos to share about the privacy-friendly data-driven solutions for advertising, credit risk, and intelligence.

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Data Analytics & AI.

25 October 2022

Second True Analytics Podcast of DATA-SAARD “Building Data Products: The New Approach for Data Analytics & AI.”

DATA-SAARD podcast EP.02 by True Analytics is out now! This episode will tell you what “Data Products” are and the differences with Data Analytics. More importantly, how data products help unleash opportunities for your business. We have Khun Tham Manjing, Head of Analytics Projects and Operations, and Khun Arnnop Hualchareonthon, Head of Product Development from True Analytics, True Digital Group, with us on this episode with the topic “Building Data Products: The New Approach for Data Analytics & AI.”

Data Analytics & AI.

27 October 2022

Monthly True Analytics Team Gathering Together.

Monthly True Analytics team gathering yesterday; we had a great time and enjoyed gathering activities together. In working here, we value the team to start by building a happy team to create an excellent business experience.

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2 November 2022

Participated in the Telecoms World Asia Conference 2022 in Bangkok.

We are excited to join the Telecoms World Asia Conference in Bangkok to present “Transforming Your Data Into A Monetization Platform” in the Intelligent Connectivity theater at Centara Grand & Bangkok Convention Centre, CentralWorld. Thank you to everyone who attended to listen in our session. We are proud to be a part of sharing our knowledge & experiences to help transform your business.

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“Data Team Disruptor Award”

15 November 2022

Participated in the Databricks Destination Lakehouse Conference and Recognized the “Data Team Disruptor Award” from Databrick. 

We are very appreciative for recognizing True Analytics with the “Data Team Disruptor Award” from Databricks and honored to be part of sharing how businesses collect, transform, and monetize petabytes of telco data at True Analytics. Modernization was a core enabler to reducing technical debt and having people focus on the company by Khun Junjun Olympia in the conference of Databricks Destination Lakehouse - Powering the future of Data and AI in ASEAN at The Fullerton Hotel Singapore.

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 “How to understand your customers better? - Building a Customer 360 Segmentation,”

15 November 2022

Third True Analytics Podcast of DATA-SAARD, “How to understand your customers better? - Building a Customer 360 Segmentation,” is on air!

This latest episode brings you to know and understand customers more and learn how to unleash customer behavior to develop business and target customer 360 accurately. Big Data helps us to understand customers’ thinking and behavior in the future through customer 360 segmentation in the topic “How to understand your customers better? - Building a Customer 360 Segmentation” with Khun Karadee Wannapanom, Analytics Sale Lead, and Khun Praewphan Siriyut, Analytics Solutions Manager from True Analytics, True Digital Group, who will help you to get to know customers better through “Telco Analytics and Customer Profile.”

“Empowering Business Growth with Data Enrichment.”

23 November 2022

Hosted the Enriched Data Webinar “Empowering Business Growth with Data Enrichment.”

External data is the only data that can radically transform a business because it is new. Internal data can only result in incremental impact because even the most minor data-driven business leaders are somehow familiar through their professional experience with most of the intuitions internal data would bring. True Analytics hosted the excellent webinar "Empowering Business Growth with Data Enrichment" in collaboration with Nielsen about data enrichment with more than 150 attendees.

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“How Credit Score Benefit and Accelerate Your Business Growth.”

29 November 2022

Forth True Analytics Podcast of DATA-SAARD “How Credit Score Benefit and Accelerate Your Business Growth.”

This episode will explore “Customer Score” and how it differs from “Tradition Score.” Will customer scores become the solutions that help financial institutions unleash the understanding of customers and help them access financial credit, and reduce non-performing loans? Listen to “How Credit Score Benefit and Accelerate Your Business Growth - Customer Score, a more alternative than Traditional Credit Score for your Business” by Khun Janthorn Sinthupundaja, Credit Product Lead, and Khun Panapat (New) Ratnarathorn, Assistant Director Analytics Evangelist from True Analytics, True Digital Group.
Listen to this podcast on True Digital Podcast channels at

The third Face-2-Face True Analytics Townhall Meeting

14 December 2022

The third Face-2-Face True Analytics Townhall Meeting is settled for team brainstorming and group sharing.

Yesterday in True Analytics, we hosted our third face-2-face town hall meeting, gathering team members to meet together. In this meeting, we had good sessions for team brainstorming, discussing, quizzing, and group sharing about the ideas and experiences for the intelligence and the customer 360 solutions to improve the business better. It was fun and very energizing to see you all concurrently.

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“How Credit Score Benefit and Accelerate Your Business growth”

29 November 2022

Forth True Analytics Podcast of DATA-SAARD “How Credit Score Benefit and Accelerate Your Business Growth.”

This episode will explore “Customer Score” and how it differs from “Tradition Score.” Will customer scores become the solutions that help financial institutions unleash the understanding of customers and help them access financial credit, and reduce non-performing loans? Listen to “How Credit Score Benefit and Accelerate Your Business Growth - Customer Score, a more alternative than Traditional Credit Score for your Business” by Khun Janthorn Sinthupundaja, Credit Product Lead, and Khun Panapat (New) Ratnarathorn, Assistant Director Analytics Evangelist from True Analytics, True Digital Group.
Listen to this podcast on True Digital Podcast channels at

“How Credit Score Benefit and Accelerate Your Business Growth.”

10 January 2023

True Analytics DATA-SAARD Podcast Episode 5 “How Credit Score Benefit and Accelerate Your Business Growth.”

This episode will explore how data can drive business transformation, “Revitalize and Transform Business with Insightful Data Analytics in the Post-pandemic” by Khun Ungkana Kerttongmee Warnett, Principle Analytics Consultant, True Analytics, True Digital Group. The episode focuses on how data can help the tourism business, which has returned to normal since the pandemic, unleash its potential. Tune in to learn how to use data to revitalize and transform your business. Listen to this podcast at.

“In AI Ecosystems Protecting Privacy is Easier Than Preserving Freedom”

11 January 2023

Presenting to the TEDxTalk in “In AI Ecosystems Protecting Privacy is Easier Than Preserving Freedom.”

AI is becoming increasingly pervasive in our lives, and it is important to consider the implications for our privacy and freedom. In this TEDxTalk, Pedro URIA-RECIO, Chief Data Analytics & AI Officer at True Analytics, True Digital Group, explores the complex relationship between AI and privacy and how we can safeguard both. Listen to the talk to learn more about how AI can impact our privacy and freedom and how to protect both in the digital age.

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Face-to-Face Workshop with AIA

17 January 2023

Hosting Annual Face-to-Face Workshop with AIA.

We are delighted to have the annual face-to-face workshop with AIA. In the session, we discuss the project's accomplishments and provide consult about its success in achieving business in the future with our analytics solutions. AIA, the strategic partnership that has worked with us for a long time and continuously chose True Analytics to be a part of your business success. 

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True Analytics kicked off the Innovation Party.

26 January 2023

True Analytics Kicked Off the Innovation Party.

At True Analytics, we kicked off the Innovation Party to have a great opportunity for the team to come together, explore new ideas and technologies, share the innovation project ideas with the team members, and enjoy the party. This activity will help us foster a culture of innovation and creativity and inspire the team to think outside the box and collaborate on creative solutions for customers.

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Collaboration with the Delegation of Talented Students from the Asia School of Business

23 February 2023

Collaboration with the Delegation of Talented Students from the Asia School of Business.

Exciting day at True Analytics! We had the pleasure of hosting a delegation of talented students from the Asia School of Business, a joint venture between Bank Negara Malaysia and MIT Sloan School of Management. They came to our office at True Digital Park in Bangkok to learn more about job opportunities in Thailand.

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“Data Analytics & AI Trends in 2023.”

28 February 2023

True Analytics DATA-SAARD Podcast Episode 6 “Data Analytics & AI Trends in 2023.”

In this episode, we will update you on the latest trends in Data Analytics and AI. Our two speakers, Khun Pedro URIA-RECIO, Chief Analytics & AI Officer at True Digital Group, and Khun Tham Manjing, Head of Analytics Projects and Operations at True Analytics, will discuss the highlights of 2023 that will unleash new possibilities for businesses. The podcast's topic is "Data Analytics & AI Trends in 2023." Listen to this podcast at.

Face-to-Face Workshop with the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT).

13 March 2023

Collaborating Face-to-Face Workshop with the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT).

On an exciting day, we hosted the face-to-face workshop with the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT), showcasing how our cutting-edge data analytics solutions can empower the tourism industry, fuel growth opportunities, and enable their ideas on how to build effective strategies for the tourism sector through our data-driven insights.

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Participating in the Digital Transformation World Asia 2023

14 March 2023

Participating in the Digital Transformation World Asia 2023 (TM Forum DTW Asia).

We had the excellent opportunity of participating in the Digital Transformation World Asia 2023 (TM Forum DTW Asia) in Thailand to present "Moving from Reactive to Proactive: Driving Value from Data." Our presentation focused on using sophisticated machine learning-based analytics tools to obtain trends on performance, capacity, and faults and how these insights can be leveraged to cross-sell and upsell the right products and services to the right customers, at the right time, across all channels.

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True Analytics hosted the team workshop

27 March 2023

True Analytics hosted the team workshop to make customers' businesses successful.

Because of the customer's business success is our priority to be focused. True Analytics, we continue to host the workshop with our teams to brainstorm, share their insights, and collaborate on new ideas to enhance the customer experience. We discussed how we could better understand our customers' needs and pain points and how we can use our data analytics solutions to provide them with actionable insights that drive business success.

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"World-Class Data Platform"

28 March 2023

True Analytics DATA-SAARD Podcast Episode 7: "World-Class Data Platform."

Check out EP.07 of the DATA-SAARD podcast by True Analytics! In this episode, we'll discuss the creation of a "Data Platform," how it benefits businesses, and the requirements to become a "World-Class Data Platform" that empowers your business to make a real impact. Listen to this episode now.

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Our experience at the Data & AI World Tour.

29 March 2023

Our experience at the Data & AI World Tour: Destination Lakehouse hosted by Databrick.

We have shared our presentation on "Creating a World Class Analytics & AI Platform with Databricks and showcased how enterprises can unlock the full potential of data to drive growth and success. At True Analytics, we enable the Databricks Datalake House platform to significantly impact our company process and customers. One of the most benefits is that it has helped our data scientists and analysts to extract insights from data quickly and efficiently without worrying about scaling our data processing power and storage resources to meet our ever-expanding needs.

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The remarkable face-to-face town hall

5 April 2023

The remarkable face-to-face town hall to focus on business direction for FY23 and moving forward. 

True Analytics recently hosted a remarkable face-to-face town hall meeting for our team members to come together and discuss the company's business direction for FY23 and moving forward. We outlined our strategic plan to drive opportunities and growth, as well as our short-term and long-term goals.

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“the evolution of AI and analytics in credit scoring”

27 April 2023

Valuable customer sharing session from LINE BK on “the evolution of AI and analytics in credit scoring.”

We are excited to share that recently held a customer-sharing session from LINE BK with our team on “the evolution of AI and analytics in credit scoring.” During the workshop, we learned how LINE BK leverages alternative data to improve credit scoring models and provide better financial solutions to their customers.

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"World-Class Data Platform"

9 May 2023

True Analytics DATA-SAARD Podcast Episode 8: "World-Class Data Platform."

In this episode, the True Analytics team will discuss the trend of "Cloud Migration"  as a way for organizations to prepare for long-term business opportunities. Listen in to find out what things should be considered before moving to the cloud, with the episode titled "Big Data Analytics: Moving to the Cloud.” Listen to this episode at.

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True Analytics helped customers identify the optimal target audience.

12 May 2023

True Analytics helped customers identify the optimal target audience for their excellent non-life products.

We recently had the pleasure of hosting the Chief Data Officer of AXA at True Digital Park. We are dedicated to providing exceptional services to our valued clients by helping them identify the optimal target audience for their excellent non-life products.

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Kickoff to start the series of sales enablement workshops.

9-16 May 2023

Kickoff to start the series of sales enablement workshops across the verticals Sales team.

True Analytics hosts sales enablement workshops to empower our sales teams across various verticals of healthcare, government, education, services, property, technologies, banking, manufacturing, and retail industries. The workshop was focused on equipping our dedicated sales professionals with the knowledge and understanding of how telco data analytics can drive business growth and unlock many opportunities for our valued customers in each industry.

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True Analytics x UpPass hosted the webinar

16 May 2023

True Analytics x UpPass hosted the webinar "Improving Credit Risk Decisions with Insights from Telco and Utility Bills."

We are thrilled to share the successful webinar that True Analytics and UpPass recently hosted on "Improving Credit Risk Decisions with Insights from Telco and Utility Bills." We were excited to present the benefits of utilizing data from Telco and utility bills to enhance credit risk decisions and minimize fraud in the underwriting process.

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“The Growth Beyond Thai Audience”

31 May 2023

Participated in the 2023 Thought Leadership Seminar “The Growth Beyond Thai Audience.”

True Analytics is honored to have participated in the 2023 Thought Leadership Seminar, “The Growth Beyond Thai Audience,” hosted by Initiative Thailand in Bangkok! We are proud to share that our very own Ungkana Kerttongmee, Head of Analytics Consulting at True Analytics, True Digital Group, captivated the audience as a speaker during the engaging panel discussion session. We delved into the potential of True Analytics Telco data and its role in helping businesses navigate the complexities of reaching the Chinese market.

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Welcome, new interns to True Digital Group family and True Analytics & AI team

1 June 2023

Welcome, new interns to True Digital Group family and True Analytics & AI team.

Get ready to shine and make a difference as you embark on an incredible journey with us. We are thrilled to have you on board and can't wait to see all the amazing things you will accomplish during your time here. At TDG, we believe in the power of knowledge and mentorship. Soak up all the knowledge around you, seek guidance from experienced professionals, and seize every opportunity to grow personally and professionally.

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UOB Thailand partners with True Digital

12 June 2023

UOB Thailand partners with True Digital to leverage AI and Analytics Technology to enhance digital banking services for young professionals. 

UOB Thailand signed a partnership agreement with True Digital today, to leverage AI and analytics technology to complement UOB’s credit risk analysis and enhance approval process for TMRW credit card customers who are young professionals that recently joined the workforce.

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 "A Chat Over Tea - Analytics & AI".

12 June 2023

F2F Town hall "A Chat Over Tea - Analytics & AI"

True Analytics recently hosted an inspiring F2F town hall, "A Chat Over Tea - Analytics & AI." It was a fantastic opportunity for our team to explore the power of analytics and AI while sharing ideas, igniting their potential, brainstorming, and finding innovative ways to leverage analytics and AI for business growth. It was a gathering fueled by collaboration and an eagerness to explore new possibilities.

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20 June 2023

True Analytics DATA-SAARD Podcast Episode 9: "Making the World a Better Place through AI."

In this episode, True Analytics will explore "Making the World a Better Place through AI," and delves into whether AI will replace human workers. How do professionals in the field of data science perceive this issue? Do you think there are any positive aspects to consider alongside potential challenges that need to be addressed? 

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27 June 2023

Collaborating with DTAC Business on The Game-Changing Combination of SMS Campaign Solutions and Data Analytics  

True Analytics is thrilled to announce that we collaborated with DTAC SMB Business to host a comprehensive training session on the game-changing combination of SMS Campaign solutions and Data Analytics. Together, we are revolutionizing the way businesses utilize Data Analytics to fuel campaign strategies.  With the power of True Analytics, businesses can harness the potential of data-driven decision-making, enabling them to send hyper-targeted and personalized SMS campaigns.

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3 July 2023

Powerful Combination with DTAC Enterprise Business on SMS Campaign with Data Analytics. 

We are thrilled to conduct comprehensive training sessions, tailored for both face-to-face and online participation, to dive deep into Bulk SMS with Data Analytics in collaboration with the DTAC Enterprise business. With this powerful combination, we are confident the business will be empowered to create impactful, targeted campaigns that drive tangible results.

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6 July 2023

Comprehensive Training Series for Internship. 

At True Analytics, we believe in nurturing talent and empowering our development team, which includes our interns. We understand the importance of building job skills and fostering essential soft skills for professional growth. This marked the beginning of our comprehensive training series for interns, and we kicked it off with a captivating Critical Thinking Sharing Session.

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11 July 2023

Sharing Data Analytics Technologies to a Student Visit from Newton Sixth Form School. 

We are thrilled to share an incredible learning experience where students from Newton Sixth Form School had the opportunity to participate in a study visit at True Digital Group. True Analytics was honored to be a part of this enlightening event, contributing to the student's knowledge of data analytics technologies and trends and their practical business applications.

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20 July 2023

"Data in Action: Showcasing Exemplary Data & AI Projects" at Data-Driven Organization Event in Collaboration with DEPA & APT (Asia-Pacific Telecommunity)

In collaboration with DEPA and APT, True Analytics recently had the privilege of participating in the "Data in Action: Showcasing Exemplary Data & AI Projects" online event. The event aimed to introduce participants to the big picture of Data & AI Technologies's impact on organizations, and provide a roadmap for organizations to become data-driven.

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20 July 2023

TDG Tech Forum: The Real Use Cases of Analytics & AI Machine Learning.

True Analytics had the incredible opportunity to present at the TDG Tech Forum 2023, where we delved into the real use cases of Analytics & AI Machine Learning. Our focus was on exploring how Machine Learning (ML) can revolutionize the agriculture industry, specifically in Swine Farms, Shrimp Farms, and even in the context of Carbon credit.

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25 July 2023

True Analytics DATA-SAARD Podcast Episode 10: "Transform Data into Actionable Insights"

In this episode, we will learn about the types of data used in Data Analytics and how to choose the right data to meet business objectives or obtain answers to business questions. This includes exploring what Telco data can do to benefit the business in depth or provide insights, as discussed in the "Transform Data into Actionable Insights" episode.

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8 August 2023

Simplify Big Data Analytics with True Analytics and Apache Spark

Learn the techniques of using Apache Spark and Data Modeling with True Analytics team through the meetup event organized by Data Council AI. Our team had the opportunity to share interesting experiences in the field of Data Engineering with the event participants who were keenly interested in this area.

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